Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Worst Terrorist Attack Ever Happen - Free Essay Example

September 11th, 2001 7:59 am: American Airlines flight 11, departs Logan International Airport headed to Los Angeles. 8:14 am United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people aboard, takes off from Boston; it is also headed to Los Angeles. What appears to be a normal American day is about to turn into the worst nightmare imaginable. These planes are about to cause the worst terrorist attack to ever happen on our own shores. Around 8:30 on September 11th American Airlines boeing 767 loaded with over 20,000 gallons of jet fuel flies out of nowhere to collide with the south tower. The jet left a firey and gaping hole from the 80th floor to the 110th. A billowing cloud of midnight black smoke rises into the air, people on the ground are left speechless. They look up in pure shock, their brains can not even recognize what has just happened. Sadly, for this story, the nightmare has only just begun. The jet instantly killed hundreds of innocent people. News rooms are scrambling, trying to tell the masses what has just happened. The awe and terror is slowly creeping into everyones minds, was this an accident? Are we being attacked? Anchors everywhere have the live feed behind them as they are speaking to the country. Eighteen minutes after the first plane hit, another boeing 767 American Airlines flight 115, darted out of the crystal blue sky to plunge into the north tower. In a live moment, with millions watch ing, horrified newscasters and Americans alike knew. we are under attack. The plane rammed into the 60th floor, trapping those above in a fiery prison, straight out of a Stephen King novel. But no, this isnt pretend and it isnt make believe. People say, where were you when the towers fell? I was only just a baby, but from my older brother and parents seeing a scene like this can only sear into your brain. The anger and desolation was swelling within the hearts of all Americans. This was it, this was the day that changed America forever. A third plane, of the 4 hijacked in total, careen towards The Pentagon. The planes strikes fast and hard against the side of the building, destroying a section. As you can imagine, The world is standing still at this moment. How many are there? Am I safe? When will this hell ever end? 125 people lost their lives inside the building, along with the 64 on board of flight 77. The fourth plane, flight 93, Is over the eastern part of Pennsylvania. Due to the heroic acts of the people on board, the plane crashes into a field killing all 44 people on board. These brave Americans heard from phone calls of the attacks that had happened earlier, in attempt to lose no more lives they fought to take back control of the plane. During the skirmish is when the plane crashed, due to the actions of these heros, the capital was spared and hundreds of lives saved. There were so many unanswered questions no one knew what was going on but the person that was behind all of these acts of terrorism would have to pay for their crimes. The terrorists were radical muslims from the country of Saudi Arabia. The terrorists were funded by the extremist group Al-Qaeda, the groups leader was the infamous Osama bin Laden. The same Osama Bin Laden the CIA funded and trained to lure the Soviet Union into an unwinnable war in the late 70s and 80s in hope of bankrupting our communist rival. Afterall, at this time we had just gotten out of the horrible mistake that was the Vietnam war. The war cost trillions of dollars and lost 58,220 young American lives, we needed the Soviet Union to hurt as well. Bin Laden was back, and with a vengeance no one saw coming. The terrorist group claimed they were retaliating for the help that America gave israel in the Persian Gulf War. As anyone would know with basic knowledge of the middle east in todays time, radical muslim ext remists hate Israel with every fiber of their being. The man we trained to lure a super power into a war was using the same trick that we taught him against us. If there was anything to learn from 9/11 it was to never fund a small rebel force again and yet we still do it to this day to overthrow governments all over the middle east. I feel like it is important to dive into the history of what happened so we can better understand the the causes of such a tragedy like 9/11. If we do not learn from history, it will most certainly repeat itself. There were nineteen terrorists that carried out the act of violence. They smuggled knives and box cutters through the airports onto the planes. They used these tools to help overpower the crew and passengers to take control of the aircraft. The the terrorist were split into 4 groups because of the 4 planes. There was one pilot per group that all trained in Afghanistan with the Air Force there. The rest of teams were comprised of the muscle, the people who would actually take over the plane. They were trained in hand to hand combat to make quick work of the civilians that may try to get in their way. Not all the hijackers were Saudi Arabians, but 15 were. The others were from Lebanon, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. This group was hand picked to pull off this attack by Bin Laden himself, he had one on one training with each of them. The rest of this story is history, it dove us head first into a war that is still going on to this day. Many would call it unwinnable because, really, it is. This terrible incident has went down as the worst terrorist attack in U.S. History, I would think it will always be that way. I hope that we have learned lessons and grown from such a terrible incident. I pray that we continue moving forward and fighting the good fight as a nation. Always remember the 2,998

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